Diagnosis of health based on the pH level of urine and saliva

Diagnosis of health based on the pH level of urine and saliva

Health diagnostics based on urine pH and saliva pH. How to check urine pH level? How to check the pH level of saliva? Urine strip test and saliva strip test are a great solution! Let's talk about what the pH of a healthy person's urine and the pH of a healthy person's saliva should be.

You can learn a lot about your body from the pH of your urine and saliva. Using pH test strips can easily and inexpensively help you monitor your pH levels and overall health. Various pH values are indicated on the packaging. Just take the strip and put it in your mouth. Then find the same color on the packaging. Your ph will be indicated there. Same with urine.

The pH scale goes from 0 to 14. The average value is 7. This is a neutral environment. Everything above 7 is alkaline, and everything below 7 is acidic.

When it comes to body ph, all tissues have a different ph. Measuring the pH of urine and saliva is very easy. Therefore, this option is great for understanding what is happening in the body. But you need to remember that this is only one of the indicators that needs to be taken into account.

The urine pH should be slightly acidic, ranging from 4.8 to 7.8. If your urine is too alkaline, it may be due to:

• drinking too much alkaline water;
• pH testing immediately after eating;
• following a vegan diet; • bacterial infection;
• use of diuretics or antacids; • vomiting.

Urine that is too alkaline may increase the risk of:

• Gout.
• Kidney stones.
• Kidney failure.

If your urine is too acidic, it may be due to:

• eating large amounts of meat;
• uncontrolled diabetes;
• diarrhea;
• fasting;
• dehydration;
• testing the first portion of urine of the day.

Saliva pH should normally be between 6.2 and 7.6. If your saliva is too alkaline, it may be due to an increase in oral bacteria. Saliva that is too alkaline may increase the risk of:

• Tartar formation.
• Gingivitis (gum inflammation).

If your saliva is too acidic, it may be due to:

• eating too much sugar;
• overgrowth of bacteria in the mouth.

To normalize pH, you can drink apple cider vinegar and eat some foods. But the best thing you can do is focus on eating healthy. Proper nutrition is the best way to correct the pH in different parts of the body.

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